A apostasia nos últimos tempos: 1 Timóteo 4:1 - Ora, o Espírito afirma expressamente que, nos últimos tempos, alguns apostatarão da fé, por obedecerem a espíritos enganadores e a ensinos de demônios.
Eis um assunto bem delicado para se tratar, más de grande importância para aqueles que não querem servir ao inimigo, achando que está servido a Deus, pois as Sagradas Escrituras aborda este assunto.
De acordo com este versículo as pessoas seriam enganadas, pois esta é a tarefa de Satanás tentar enganar os filhos de Deus (Mat. 24:24).
Sabemos que nos dias de Jesus existiam os Fariseus e os Saduceus que eram religiosos e achavam que suas adorações eram aceitas diante de Deus, más eram possuidos por espíritos enganadores assim como os 400 profetas de Acabe que profetizaram diferente de Micaías.
Para não serem enganados os Cristão devem diariamente examinar as escrituras e buscar saber qual a perfeita vontade do Senhor-"João 5:39 - Examinais as Escrituras, porque julgais ter nelas a vida eterna, e são elas mesmas que de mim testificam.
Em Mateus 7:21 diz: Nem todo o que me diz: Senhor, Senhor! entrará no reino dos céus, mas aquele que faz a vontade de
meu Pai, que está nos céus. A nós resta saber a hora em que estamos vivendo e o que o Senhor requer de cada um nestes últimos dias, pois no decorrer da história da humanidade muitos mesmo sendo religiosos e pertencendo as maiores e melhores igrejas rejeitaram a via de escape que Deus os enviou para salvação, por exemplo, no Dilúvio, a própria vinda de Jesus Cristo na Terra, entre outros.
Paulo deixou bem claro, que tudo deveria ser filtrado pelas escrituras pois ele mesmo afirmou que se algum anjo descesse do céu e anunciasse outro evangélho que deveria ser anátema (sou seja, que fosse reprovado, amaldiçoado).
Ainda hoje estes espíritos estão infiltrados em homens que em suas congregações liberam e permite tudo aquilo que a bíblia condena e chama de imundície aos olhos de Deus.
Eis o alerta; 1 João 2:17 - Ora, o mundo passa, bem como a sua concupiscência; aquele, porém, que faz a vontade de Deus permanece eternamente.
Mateus 22:14 - Porque muitos são chamados, mas poucos, escolhidos. Entrai pela porta estreita, larga é a porta, e espaçoso, o caminho que conduz para a perdição, e são muitos os que entram por ela; Seja um dos poucos escolhidos do Senhor vivendo em total obediência a Deus, pois és valioso , fomos comprados e resgatados através do Sangue das veias de Emanuel (Deus conosco).
Para um melhor entendimento, leia as matérias deste blog intitulado "Sujeitando ao Senhor e Escribas e Fariseus do Séc. XXI".
Spirits Deceivers
The apostasy in recent times: 1 Timothy 4:1 - Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will abandon the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
Here is a very touchy to deal with, but of great importance for those who want to serve the enemy, thinking that God is served, as the Scripture addresses this issue.
According to this verse people would be fooled, because this is the task of Satan trying to fool the children of God (Matt. 24:24).
We know that in Jesus' day there were the Pharisees and the Sadducees who were religious and believed that their worship were accepted before God, were possessed by evil spirits of deception and the 400 prophets of Ahab that unlike Micaiah prophesied.
Not to be deceived the Christian must daily examine the scriptures and seek to know the perfect will of God, "John 5:39 - Search the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me.
In Matthew 7:21 says: Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord! enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of
My Father in heaven. The remains we know the time in which we live and what the Lord requires of each of these days, because in the course of human history even though many religious and belonging to bigger and better churches rejected the way of escape that God has sent them to salvation, for example, the Flood, the actual coming of Jesus Christ on Earth, among others.
Paul made it clear that everything should be filtered through the scriptures because he himself said that if an angel descended from heaven and announced another gospel that should be anathema (I'm is, it was disapproved, cursed).
Even today, these spirits are infiltrated in men in their congregations and allows release all that the Bible condemns and calls the filth in the eyes of God.
Here is the alert, 1 John 2:17 - Now the world is, and the lust thereof: but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
Matthew 22:14 - For many are called but few are chosen. Enter through the narrow gate, the gate is wide and spacious, the path that leads to destruction, and many enter through it; Be one of the few chosen of the Lord living in total obedience to God, for you are valuable, were bought and redeemed through the blood veins of Immanuel (God with us.)
For better understanding, read the materials on this blog titled "Submit to God and Scribes and Pharisees in the XXI century".
Here is a very touchy to deal with, but of great importance for those who want to serve the enemy, thinking that God is served, as the Scripture addresses this issue.
According to this verse people would be fooled, because this is the task of Satan trying to fool the children of God (Matt. 24:24).
We know that in Jesus' day there were the Pharisees and the Sadducees who were religious and believed that their worship were accepted before God, were possessed by evil spirits of deception and the 400 prophets of Ahab that unlike Micaiah prophesied.
Not to be deceived the Christian must daily examine the scriptures and seek to know the perfect will of God, "John 5:39 - Search the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me.
In Matthew 7:21 says: Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord! enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of
My Father in heaven. The remains we know the time in which we live and what the Lord requires of each of these days, because in the course of human history even though many religious and belonging to bigger and better churches rejected the way of escape that God has sent them to salvation, for example, the Flood, the actual coming of Jesus Christ on Earth, among others.
Paul made it clear that everything should be filtered through the scriptures because he himself said that if an angel descended from heaven and announced another gospel that should be anathema (I'm is, it was disapproved, cursed).
Even today, these spirits are infiltrated in men in their congregations and allows release all that the Bible condemns and calls the filth in the eyes of God.
Here is the alert, 1 John 2:17 - Now the world is, and the lust thereof: but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
Matthew 22:14 - For many are called but few are chosen. Enter through the narrow gate, the gate is wide and spacious, the path that leads to destruction, and many enter through it; Be one of the few chosen of the Lord living in total obedience to God, for you are valuable, were bought and redeemed through the blood veins of Immanuel (God with us.)
For better understanding, read the materials on this blog titled "Submit to God and Scribes and Pharisees in the XXI century".
parabéns kerido por mais esta postagem..
ResponderExcluiré muito legal como vc fala da palavra De Deus!
gostei dos louvores ke vc selecionou !
fikou perfeito.
Um bjo :)
Olá Mary!!!
ResponderExcluirObrigado pelo comentário, acho muito importante a opinião de todos e a sua também.
Fico contente de saber que a maneira que escrevo vcs entendem, este é o meu objetivo, para que todos entendam e se fortaleçam na palavra de Deus.
Grato, abraços fraternal.
Boa noite meu amado irmao em Crsto...
ResponderExcluirTrabalho muito bom este que voce esta divulgando...Deus te dara uma recompensa por isso... Espero sempre ver noticias e postagens novas aqui...a Internet precisa de muitos blogs como esses...Deus te abençõe...Amém
Pr: Guilherme
ResponderExcluirObrigado Pastor Guilherme!
Deus te abençoe por sua participação, espero contar sempre com sua opinião, pois é de muita valia pra mim.
Deus te abençoe ricamente por tudo.
Um forte abraço fratenal.